Your adrenal glands are tiny, walnut-sized glands that sit above your kidneys. And, they release critical hormones into your bloodstream impacting multiple bodily functions, including regulating blood sugar levels and metabolism.*
One of the most important hormones your adrenals produce is cortisol. Cortisol is mainly known for its vital role in helping your body respond to stress, but there's a lot more going on behind the scenes...
You see, when your body's under stress, your adrenal glands secrete cortisol to stimulate several processes in the body that regulate blood sugar levels to compensate the demand for energy under these stressful conditions.*
But, prolonged stress results in overworked adrenal glands and constant elevated cortisol levels in the body which can suppress digestive functions and affect metabolism (1).*
Daily stress is hard to avoid, so keeping your adrenal glands "fed" with the right nutrients -- such as Vitamin C, Potassium and Sodium -- is the best way to keep them functioning optimally.*
In fact, not only is the highest concentration of Vitamin C found in your adrenal glands, but when you do not have sufficient Vitamin C levels, it can cause an excess release of cortisol.*
That's why we carefully and thoughtfully formulated Jigsaw Adrenal Cocktail™ to combine Wholefood Vitamin C, Potassium Bicarbonate, and SaltWorks® Sea Salt to easily and conveniently replenish your adrenal glands.*
Sources: (1) Nena, Silvia. “How Stress & Cortisol Affect the Metabolism.” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group, 14 Aug. 2017,