For many years now, I have either had great difficulty in falling asleep or remaining asleep for a healthy amount of time. For the past 2 years, I have tried several over-the-counter sleep aid drugs as well as natural sleep aid supplements. When taking the OTC drugs, my sleep improved slightly after the first few days taking the drug, but I either felt groggy upon waking or experienced strange sensations like sudden anxiety or strange chills. Hence, after encountering sub-par results with OTC drugs, I then tried natural sleep aid supplements.
Like the drugs, the supplements put me to sleep during the first few nights trying them but without experiencing grogginess or strange sensations. However, I experienced one strong negative experience with both the drugs and the natural supplements: they only worked for a few days. If I took them for more than 2 nights consecutively, the doses would either not help me in going to sleep or I could not remain asleep for more than a few hours, even if I bumped up the dosage.
However, I have seen a marked change since using MagSoothe. I started out by trying the 7-day trial product and immediately experienced great results. For the first 3 nights consecutively, I fell asleep quite quickly and remained asleep for at least 5 additional hours. Further, I experienced no strange sensations during the night, and I awoke feeling more refreshed than I did with any of the other drugs or supplements that I tried previously. So, while still on the 7-day trial, I ordered a jar of the 60-day servings. During the first 2 nights using the 60-day product, I continued to fall asleep quickly and remained asleep for most of the night. During the next night, I did not fall asleep as quickly and did not remain asleep for quite as long as previous nights, but I still awoke feeling refreshed and energetic.
So, to experiment, I increased the MagSoothe dosage a bit for the past 2 nights and returned to falling asleep more quickly and only waking briefly once or twice during the night and early morning. But, though my sleep is not perfect, I feel more refreshed each morning since using MagSoothe than I have felt using any other product.
I am deeply thankful to my Lord for leading me to MagSoothe, and I deeply appreciate Jigsaw Health for producing such a high quality product which has truly deepened and improved my sleep! Finally, I embrace the innovative and joyful style by which Jigsaw management runs their business, and I plan to try more products in the near future as I am also already benefiting from the Magnesium SRT product in addition to MagSoothe!