Why do you use ascorbic acid rather than buffered vitamin C?
Because Jigsaw Pureway-C®+Lysine has a unique composition that combines ascorbic acid with several types of lipid metabolites and bioflavonoids to enhance bioavailability.
Lipid metabolites (fats derived from vegetable sources), function as carriers of the ascorbic acid to increase intestinal absorption, allowing Vitamin C to enter the cells quickly for enhanced cellular uptake.
Bioflavonoids greatly contribute to the antioxidant capability of Pureway-C® as well as enhanced absorption in the intestinal tract.
We chose to use pure ascorbic acid rather than buffered ascorbate for a number of other reasons:
- Ascorbic acid is the form mammals make, and that is the form our bodies would make if they could.
- To get 1 gram of vitamin C into a small enough tablet to swallow, there is not room for added minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium (some of the common buffering agents used).
- The main need for buffering is that when you "dump" a lot of ascorbic acid into the stomach all at once, it can cause digestive discomfort. Our sustained release technology prevents these side effects without adding a cause for concern that buffered vitamin C can create.
Buffered vitamin C, being bound to minerals, delivers that mineral into the body along with vitamin C. At very high doses, these minerals can overload your body with more than it needs and/or can handle. Too much calcium for example can cause an array of non-beneficial effects in the body - such as constipation, muscle cramps, stiffness of the joints, kidney stones, and calcium deposits in the brain, arteries and soft tissues.
Similarly, while magnesium is a wonderful mineral, using it as a buffering agent for vitamin C is unwise because, at very high doses (such as those requited to take a higher dose of vitamin C), it will cause a laxative effect.